January 24, 2011

24/365: Profile pictures

I love a sweet profile...beautiful eyes, a perfect button nose, the cute little spot leading to wet little lips...I LOVE it all! I have to continue to perfect these pictures through the year so I can always go back and remember those perfect, tiny little facial features. Thank goodness for profile pictures

24/365: Special Storytimes

Sam has always loved books, is already reading and loves his baby brother so altogether that makes for special storytimes (when Luke isn't fussy, Sam isn't having a "toddler moment" and the stars are aligned) Thank goodness for special storytimes

January 16, 2011

16/365: Who's Who?

So it may be a mystery to some but not to a mother :) Here are my special boys in the same outfit at just about the same age...the giveaway of course, is that Luke was born in November and is on the left in a cozy, fleece carseat and Sam was a bit smaller and enjoying the sunshine in the early fall months. Thank goodness for who's who

January 13, 2011

13/365: Tub sharing

For the very first time, we placed Luke's little tub in the big bathtub where we give Sam a bath not knowing that Sam was going to jump right in with washing his little brother! It was such a sweet sight to see! Sam had vitually no room to play like he usually does and he didn't mind a bit. Knowing this is the first of many special bathtimes with the boys, makes me so happy! Thank goodness for tub sharing

January 10, 2011

10/365: Cute hats

They don't just keep your ears warm. In this case, they keep you looking adorable! Thank goodness for cute hats

January 9, 2011

9/365: airbrush tattoos

A fun day at the JCC Open House today complete with yummy treats, an airslide, visits with friends, camp sign-up and our first airbrush tattoo! Hopefully the only type of tattoo on Sam :) Thank goodness for airbrush tattoos

January 3, 2011

3/365: BIG birthdays

Hubby turns the big 3-0 today! It was pretty low key, just his favorite cookie cake with his favorite Flyers colors and 2 sweet boys and a loving wife to celebrate with! Thank goodness for big birthdays

January 2, 2011

2/365: A smiling 2 month old

Between some mild reflux, frequent feedings, night wakings and diaper changes, Luke manages to get in some very sweet smiles here and there! Thank goodness for a very sweet and smiling 2 month old!

January 1, 2011

1/365: Lots of love in the new year

Two fun, beautiful, special boys to begin this 2011 year with...enough said! Thank goodness for lots of love in the new year!