February 28, 2011

59/365: Brotherly Love

So glad that I keep my camera close at all times for moments like these! Sam was watching a movie and he asked that Luke "watch" too but as soon as Luke got fussy and ready for a nap, Sam reached over and held his hand and said, "It's ok, Luke...I am right here." What a little love bug! Anyone that says there is typically animosity when a new baby in born, have not met my boys! Thank goodness (and I thank my lucky stars...EVERY day) for brotherly love

February 27, 2011

58/365: Girl Scout Cookies

Again, I am trying to practice with settings on the camera and work on my ability to focus in on a close object while blurring the background...so why not focus in on a special treat that let's us all know that spring is around the corner. Thank goodness for girl scout cookies (and Sam would agree!)

February 26, 2011

57/365: Sneak Peeks

The minute the baby starts to stir, big brother moves over a step stool to look in the crib to check in on what's happening. I told Sam that he will make a wonderful father one day and his response, "I want to be a mommy." There truly is a special bond between mother and son. I love these candid moments when nothing is posed and the picture itself says it all.
Thank goodness for sneak peeks

February 25, 2011

56/365: Puzzle Books

So Sam was playing with a book where these alphabet pieces come out of the book and can be used to make a sculpture. We played around with the letters of his name and I was able to play around with the F-stop a bit on my camera to try to focus in on the letters while blurring out our bedroom in the background. Thank goodness for puzzle books

February 24, 2011

55/365: Desk lamps

So when Sam wakes up, we all wake up...even if it is 6 a.m. and we hit the ground running! I thought maybe Sam would give us a chance to sleep a bit past 6:30 a.m. if he could sit in his room at his big boy desk and color, do a puzzle, look at book or play. So when I came across this adorable baseball desk lamp, I knew it was the perfect little accent for his room and wow was he excited! He couldn't wait for me to get a bulb for it and before bed, he sat for quite a while playing at his desk. I just love how these pictures show the glow from the light on his face. Now we can only hope that he will be as interested in the early morning hours...thank goodness for desk lamps

February 19, 2011

50/365: Cheeks

Unfortunately it is true but we don't like to admit that the second child certainly doesn't get as much camera time as the first kiddo...I am hoping in Luke's case, that he may not get as much but we will sacrifice quantity for quality. At least that is how I will explain it to him when he is older :) I am rarely in the pictures since I enjoying taking them but I must say the stars were aligned when Luke was awake and happy, Sam was occupying himself and my husband took a great shot! There is nothing like the feeling of a little face that you created next yours...thank goodness for soft cheeks

February 18, 2011

49/365: Unconventional parties

So when we were working with toilet training Sam, he needed a big motivator to continuously try to use the potty. We promised a "poopy party" for Sam and his friends! Complete with cocktail "weenies," Bathroom Bingo game and toilet paper and underwear party favors...Sam had a blast! We decorated with Sam's "big boy" underwear and what a fun way to celebrate Sam and his 3 buddies being completely toilet before college...ha! Thank goodness for unconventional parties

February 16, 2011

47/365: Solid food

Luke tried his first taste of rice cereal today! Most of it was out of his mouth rather than in, but it's a start! Hopefully it will make his belly full so he sleeps better at night...we can only hope :) Thank goodness for our first taste of solid food

February 12, 2011

43/365: Parachute fun

Today was Lola's 3rd birthday party and the day after my first ever camera class. I am so excited for the rest of the classes after the amount I learned in the first one! We talked about ways to show movement in a photo by adjusting the shutter speed and allowing for a bit of a blurring. I managed to keep my focus on Lola so she didn't blur while showing how her friends around her as well as the parachute going up and down over her head. I love this candid shot! Thank goodness for parachute fun

February 10, 2011

41/365: Baby Bjorn

Luke LOVES to be the bjorn! We didn't have one of these with Sam and boy are we glad we had one the second time around. Luke had a tough first 4 months with reflux, sleeping and belly issues and the baby bjorn has been a lifesaver to us through it. Maybe it is the pressure on his stomach, maybe it is us walking around and the steady movement, but whatever it is, thank goodness for the baby bjorn

February 9, 2011

40/365: Expressing yourself

Gosh, it can turn so quickly...smiles to frowns and giggles to cries :( Apparently Luke is not a fan of this swing seat and he certainly has a way of letting me know. Thank goodness for the ability to express yourself

February 8, 2011

39/365: Rice cereal

Again just playing around with my new camera and its various settings. Our kitchen is a great place to get natural light and avoid using the flash. I love how it creates a more natural looking picture. And soon we will be trying rice cereal with Luke for the first time...thank goodness for rice cereal

February 6, 2011

37/365: My boys

In 365 days, there is sure to be many posts like this one! There are only five words to say for this picture...thank goodness for my boys!

February 4, 2011

35/365: Fun fortune cookies

So strangely enough I have never liked Chinese food but this prganancy with Luke somehow turned me onto it and we have been ordering it quite often. Tonight, this was Sam's fortune cookie. To think that I already fear him choosing a college too far from home and his fortune talks about living on the moon...oy vey! What ever he wishes to be, I support him, but I can only hope he prefers to study astronomy and the moon as opposed to visiting! Thank goodness for fun fortune cookies