October 31, 2011

304/365: favorite "things"

Happy Halloween 2011! Thank goodness for our two favorite "things!"

October 30, 2011

303/365: cobwebs

Never thought I would "thank goodness" for cobwebs but it was fun getting into the spooky Halloween spirit to photograph a big ole cobweb! Thank goodness for cobwebs

October 13, 2011

286/365: daddy daycare

Today was Sukkot and the JCC was closed for the boys, but I had to work so it was daddy daycare! And what a success! I came home to both Sam and Luke being happy, fed and not even noticing that I walked in! One little trick helped...we put away some of Sam's birthday gifts so we can "open" something new throughout the year so on this rainy day where the boys were inside, daddy set up the train set from Aunt Chrissy & Uncle Phil and Sam is loving it! Glad today worked out because we need to do this again next week when it is Simchas Torah! Thank goodness for daddy daycare

October 6, 2011

279/365: BJs shopping cart

I love the double cart at BJs and so did the boys! It was so cute having them side by side and Luke would continuously want to slime Sam and Sam would tickle Luke...we certainly had no problem getting our shopping done in this cart...it was built-in entertainment! Thank goodness for the BJs shopping cart

October 5, 2011

278/365: the final result

So the mums are planted and the front step is complete...thank goodness for the final product!

October 4, 2011

277/365: fall mums

I am so happy that finally our front walkway is looking a bit more welcoming this fall! We repaired the front step, trimmed away bushes and trees that needed to be pruned and now we planted mums all the way up to the front door which looks great! Thank goodness for fall mums

October 3, 2011

276/365: the paddington bear coat

This coat was Max's, then Sam wore it and now, third time is a charm on this little charmer! The zipper is broken but I love the little toggles and it is so fun to see the same little fall coat on each of the boys! Thank goodness for the paddington bear coat

October 2, 2011

275/365: 11 month old cuteness

Luke is 11 months old today...three more top teeth came in along with one more on the bottom! Luke is an awesome eater, so much so that Sam tries to pass his leftovers to Luke! He loves everything we put in front of him and has become less and less interested in the bottle. Luke is loving his 3 days at the JCC, especially his visits when Sam comes by. The teachers say that Sam crawls on the floor with Luke and tickles him, but now Luke is sad when Sam goes back to his room...what a sweet brotherly bond! Your birthday invitations have been mailed and we simply can't believe your first birthday is right around the corner! Thank goodness for 11 month cuteness

October 1, 2011

274/365: doing your own thing...

Do you see our Sam? Look very closely...all of Sam's soccer teammates are ready for drills, prepared with a ball by their feet or at least facing forward and then there is our Sam, chatting and turned the opposite direction! Thank goodness for doing your own thing