June 12, 2011

163/365: making dinnertime easier

Sam wanting a certain fork while at the same time not wanting a specific cup, then not wanting to try what's on his plate but begging you to try what's on yours. Declaring that he open containers himself, then getting frustrated and insisting that you open it for him that exact instant! Then we get Luke situated and finally sit down to join Sam at the table and he is ready for dessert or to wipe his hands or help him go to the bathroom...needless to say, dinnertime is one of the most challenging times of the day! It is hard to prepare it and then sitting and actually tasting anything is near to impossible! Tonight, I cracked open one of the bottles that I picked up on the Cayuga wine trail and let's just say, tonight's dinner was relaxing and Sam's shenanigans suddenly seemed tolerable. Thank goodness for making dinnertime easier