July 31, 2011
212/365: birthday buddies
July 30, 2011
211/365: a family that shows love
As much as it is a blessing to have two loving parents that care for you, but also show you their love in a way that you truly feel it, it is equally as special to have others beyond your immediate family make you feel that same way. Sam certainly "feels the love" from Max, Lola, Aunt "B" and Uncle "A." Thank goodness for a family that shows love
July 29, 2011
210/365: a boardwalk workout
After dropping Sam off at camp, Luke & I hit the boardwalk for a little change of scenery from our usual daily walks on the bike path. It was pretty hot this morning at just 9:30 am, but it didn't stop the bikers, runners, walkers, joggers, rollerbladers and yentas from joining us on the boards! I thought Luke would take his morning nap on our walk, but instead he kept pulling down the stroller shade to see the action and help me scope out picture-worthy locations. So after I banged out 3 miles, just before heading home, I snapped a few cool shots of this bicycle. I love that even though we moved over the bridge, this beautiful view is never too far away! Thank goodness for a boardwalk workout to start the weekend
July 28, 2011
209/365: routine medical maintenance
We have this big rubbermaid container of various outdoor protection....bug repellent, goggles, sunglasses and loads of various sunscreen. Sunscreen just for the face, sunblock with bug repellent, spray sunscreen, kids & baby specific sunscreen etc etc and aside from both of us being so diligent with Sam on camp days, Jay is very good about applying and reapplying sunscreen. He recently started wearing the rash guard shirts to cover his chest, a hat for his head and sitting under an umbrella at the beach so it was pretty shocking when a routine visit to the dermatologist resulted in what we thought was a little "sweat bump" being removed from his nose, turned out to be a basil cell carcinoma! We will have the slides sent to Penn Dermapathology lab for another opinion and on August 9th we will meet with the doctor to review the options for taking care of this. No doubt that a scare like this makes you more aware of how common this is and how careful you have to be! I am so happy that Jay makes sure to get his physicals, blood work and check up on medical things so that things like this do go unnoticed and untreated. Thank goodness for routine medical maintenance....and we will say our prayers that this will be taken care of in the least invasive and most effective way soon!
July 27, 2011
208/365: shush-ing the chatty brother
Sam & Luke were playing so well this evening. Luke is sitting up so well and is so interactive with Sam now that he is almost 9 months and Sam gets a thrill of the little things Luke does and the sounds he makes. Mommy & Daddy got a thrill out of Luke covering Sam's mouth in the most innocent, yet effective way! Thank goodness for shush-ing the chatty brother
July 26, 2011
207/365: Baby Aiden
Tonight I met Baby Aiden Joseph Aiello for the first time since he was born 10 days ago! He is a handsome little guy who looks like his daddy but has his mommy's fair complexion. Aiden was asleep when I arrived and then I snuggled the little 7 lb bundle! His nursery is full of sweet sea creatures that his grandmother painted, a beautiful bookshelf that his daddy built just for him and everything is pristine and untouched as Aiden is still sleeping in the bassinet. It will be so nice for Aiden to be Luke's little buddy as they grow since they are just months apart. Thank goodness for sweet Baby Aiden (and his very special parents).
July 25, 2011
206/365: stopping to smell the flowers
I pass Patcong Farm at least five times a week and I always admire to myself how beautiful these flowers in the big red wagon look! I am either in a rush somewhere, left my camera at home, it is too sweltering hot or I just plain pass it by, but today I went with a mission to photograph this awesome wagon. I took some in black and white, but I love the colors of the flowers and the great big, red wagon. Thank goodness for stopping to smell (and photograph) the flowers
July 24, 2011
205/365: baby face
I didn't need a shove, I just fell in love, with your little baby face
Baby face...you've got the cutest little baby face...there isn't another one to take your place, baby face
You've got my heart a jumpin'...you sure have started something...
Thank goodness for a baby face
Baby face...you've got the cutest little baby face...there isn't another one to take your place, baby face
You've got my heart a jumpin'...you sure have started something...
Thank goodness for a baby face
July 23, 2011
204/365: a different view
I usually always look for that perfect smile when I snap a photo, but I wanted to try to play around with trying to get Sam's blowing bubbles in the pool, or just the bubbles themselves...once again, I think I have the artistic mindset, but I have a tough time executing my creative ideas because I lack some skills in composition and still have a lot to learn with the various camera settings. So after taking about 25 photos, I liked the perspective on this one from above and as seen before in the blog, I love seeing those beautiful long, wet eyelashes that women would kill for! It really captures that stillness when kids look at the surface of the water just before putting their face in. Thank goodness for a different view
July 22, 2011
203/365: beating the extreme heat
It can't be any hotter! Record temperatures today and the days ahead...heat index is reading 119 degrees and today is marked the second hottest day in South Jersey EVER...wow! So to survive the heat in the most fun way, we invited some of Sam's buddies over for an afternoon water playdate. Sam had so much fun and in watching his pals in the water, he learned how easy it is to let Mommy & Daddy lose and hang out in the pool alone with arm floaties! Sam is getting a little more independent in the water and it will only improve the more hot days we have and water time we get in! Thank goodness for beating the extreme heat
July 21, 2011
202/365: neighborhood get-togethers
So I planned for weeks to host the neighborhood girls night at my house tonight. All but one person could attend so it was looking like about 10 ladies to enjoy the deck or pool tonight and to just chat and relax. Since Sam is about the same age as most families youngest child, it is fun for me to hear all about the sports teams and school programs and everything that I will be planning for in the years to come. I even asked everyone to bring a couple canned good for the JFS food pantry thinking it would be nice to "give back" one neighborhood at a time. Unfortunately, one by one, I started to get e-mails that kids were under the weather, husbands were working late and before I knew, 2 ladies were coming! I had bought so much food and picked up fun drinks...it might have been a smaller gathering than I planned for, but it was nice to chat just the same! Thank goodness for neighborhood get-togethers.
July 20, 2011
201/365: camp fun
Sam is having a great summer at camp and it is nice that Brittany is one of his counselors this summer since Sam is familiar with her from her coming to our house to babysit once in a while. He loves the trips to the beach and other fun stops, mainly because of the rides on the big yellow bus and he likes all the other fun activities including drama, arts & crafts, computers, cooking and nature. And I love that the camp posts pictures on facebook so I can keep tabs on all of his fun days! Thank goodness for camp fun
July 19, 2011
200/365: pinching puffs
A week ago, I introduced puffs to Luke for the first time. I gave him one at a time and broke them in half and now, I can just sprinkle a few on his highchair tray and he picks them up one at a time and feeds himself! Sometimes he rakes them with his whole hand and sometimes I catch him being an Occupational Therapist's son and using his fine pincer grasp, thumb and index finger, to precisely snatch that treat and eat it! It is so easy to just sprinkle a few at a restaurant or when I am setting the table...thank goodness for pinching puffs
July 18, 2011
199/365: sweet reflections
I was playing around tonight during bathtime, trying to get a picture with Luke in the mirror...not an easy task! I was trying to crop Jay so he wasn't in the picture and make sure I wasn't in the mirror with my camera. On top of all the positioning, when I would use the flash, it was too bright and didn't look right so I shut that off and cranked up the ISO to let the most light in, but this photo still has a lot of "noise." I certainly have a lot more to learn in the way of technique...can't wait for the next class to come along sooner than later! In the meantime, look at this adorable baby face! Thank goodness for sweet reflections
July 17, 2011
198/365: National Ice Cream Day
Today is National Ice Cream Day...I scream, we scream, Sam screamed for ice cream!! The Alcove Center hosted its annual Sundaes on Sunday event at Kennedy Park in Somers Point today. All the proceeds go back to the center and kids get to enjoy an afternoon of crafts, pony rides, vendors, face painters and unlimited ice cream! Sam loved the bouncy house...I loved him getting a bath afterwards, but his favorite part of the day was the yummy ice cream treat on a beautiful hot summer day! Thank goodness for National Ice Cream Day
July 16, 2011
197/365: unconditional love
The day started with fun plans for a pool party, a pool playdate followed by a visit with Mimi & Pop on the beach and then trying an outdoor dinner at a new restaurant...it started with smiles and hugs, but it quickly turned into threats, power struggles, frustration, and lots of talk of consequences and time-outs! No doubt, we are going through a rocky patch right now! I am amazed at how Sam can manage to keep up these behaviors from 6:30am until 7pm, without a nap and without much reprieve for mommy and daddy...I am also amazed at how my absolute frustration still results in me thinking and sharing his sweet stories once he is asleep and staring lovingly at him sleeping soundly in his bed. No one can stress me out in the ways that Sam can and aside from Luke, there is no one I love as deeply and with my entire being! He is my child and my world...thank goodness for unconditional love
July 15, 2011
196/365: a night dip
Once the day is done, the kids are in bed and I am all showered, that last thing I really want to do is go back outside into the pool, but Jay loves to! He loves to plan ahead and turn up the temperature and get the jets on in the hot tub section and hang out there for a bit before the sun completely sets. Maybe when the boys are older and I am not so completely pooped, I will enjoy it out there, too. So this one's for Jay...thank goodness for night dips
July 14, 2011
195/365: meeting milestones
Here is another post where "thank goodness" truly applies...he may be hanging on tightly, but Luke is sitting up all by himself! It isn't for very long before he loses his balance and is back in his favorite position, on his belly! It is such a miracle watching each little new development take place and see motor milestones being achieved...we certainly are blessed with another beautiful little guy, who thank goodness is right on track! Thank goodness for meeting milestones
July 13, 2011
194/365: crazy sunglasses day
Today is crazy sunglasses day at the Camp By the Sea! Sam is having a great summer...once he tolerates getting sunscreen applied to his face and not flipping out when we arrive at 3:45 to take him home. They have some great programs all summer long and Sam is enjoying each and every one! Thank goodness for crazy sunglasses day
July 12, 2011
193/365: keep cool
It has been record high temperatures and so humid! It is nice having the pool at home so the kids can have fun outside while keeping cool, too! Luke loves his little float and Sam hangs onto the back while Jay pulls them along like a little water train. Thank goodness for fun ways to keep cool
July 11, 2011
192/365: a big bloom
I have been religiously watering my plant in this heat! I go out in the morning and again in the afternoon to make sure it is hydrated and doing well. It is fun to see the little buds day after day and then one day you walk outside and overnight they just burst into bloom! So pretty! Thank goodness for big blooms
July 10, 2011
July 9, 2011
190/365: 64 years
We went out tonight to celebrate Pop's birthday just a few days early...on his real birthday, he will enjoy a nice meal, just him & Mimi. But tonight's meal was full surprises, and I don't mean fun packages to open or surprise guests, I mean drinks being spilled and crazy toddler behaviors. I am still trying to wrap my head around the idea of longing for these preschool years once they have passed!?! Anyhow, Elizabeth's toast at dinner quoted the lyrics to the Beatles song, "When I'm Sixty-Four"...Pop, we certainly "still need you" and love you so much, too....thank goodness for 64 years
July 8, 2011
189/365: pretty "tools"
I am not regularly using a hammer, nails or a screwdriver but when I need a "tool" to do a job, I would prefer it to be pretty! Today, I picked up this cute little galvanized watering can at TJ Maxx which will definitely motivate me to water my new plant every day! Thank goodness for pretty "tools"
July 7, 2011
188/365: my special "pear"
Sam has been interested in helping to set the table by sometimes bringing over napkins, forks or condiments to the table, but tonight he asked if he could feed Luke! He did a great job and it is amazing that when I feed Luke, he is so distracted by trying to watch Sam play so problem solved...have Sam feed him! Luke's eyes were focused on Sam for the whole jar of pears! I love how Sam's mouth got big when he was approaching Luke's mouth (like we all do when feeding a child) and Sam got such a thrill out of doing a mommy/daddy job! Pears never looked so good, especially these two...thank goodness for my special "pear"
July 6, 2011
187/365: a friendly visitor
The turtle from the previous post resurfaced again this morning...taking a few laps in our pool! Sam watched him while he ate his breakfast and then we came out to see him in person. He is quite a swimmer! But when Jay took him out of the pool and placed him back to go into the wooded area of our house, Sam was pretty disappointed. I assured him that if Mr. Turtle visited another time, I would ask Nature Josh at camp if he would adopt him and Sam could visit him there when he wants to...time will tell! Thank goodness for a friendly visitor
July 5, 2011
186/365: cute thank-yous
I was so excited when I found these adorable thank you postcards on a teacher website! And an added bonus is that 40 of them were just $3.99 and I will save with postcard postage, too! They are perfect for Sam's birthday party notes and super cute to boot! Thank goodness for cute thank-yous
July 4, 2011
185/365: Mimi's "beach house"
It was sweltering outside today at the beach and Luke wanted no parts of it! Both boys are really beach babes when it comes to the sand and the surf but when naptime hits, they want outta there! Both Sam and Luke don't have an easy time laying down either in the tent or on someone and resting...so today, I took Luke back up to the condo and he quickly feel asleep on Mimi & Pop's big bed with the fan overhead and the humming of the low air conditioning. An hour later when he woke up, he was SO happy and ready to get back on the beach with his cousins! So great to have a place so close to run little ones back to. Thank goodness for an indoor nap...thank goodness for Mimi's "beach house"
July 3, 2011
184/365: holiday BBQs
Despite the rainy weather, we are having a great July 4th weekend! The kids love the beach and the boardwalk and tonight we had a yummy BBQ...have you ever seen this many hot dogs for one family!?! Thank goodness for holiday BBQs
July 2, 2011
183/365: Aunt "B"
Always trying to steal a kiss or a hug...going to all efforts to make a giggle...loving on my boys...thank goodness for Aunt "B"
July 1, 2011
182/365: fresh flowers
Mommy & Daddy went with me today and they bought us beautiful potted flowers for the front of our house. I had fun trying to captured the buzzing bees around all the beautiful flowers. I could have spent forever there playing with the different camera settings, but Luke didn't hold out for too long so we grabbed them and went! They look great! Thank goodness for fresh flowers
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