July 28, 2011

209/365: routine medical maintenance

We have this big rubbermaid container of various outdoor protection....bug repellent, goggles, sunglasses and loads of various sunscreen. Sunscreen just for the face, sunblock with bug repellent, spray sunscreen, kids & baby specific sunscreen etc etc and aside from both of us being so diligent with Sam on camp days, Jay is very good about applying and reapplying sunscreen. He recently started wearing the rash guard shirts to cover his chest, a hat for his head and sitting under an umbrella at the beach so it was pretty shocking when a routine visit to the dermatologist resulted in what we thought was a little "sweat bump" being removed from his nose, turned out to be a basil cell carcinoma! We will have the slides sent to Penn Dermapathology lab for another opinion and on August 9th we will meet with the doctor to review the options for taking care of this. No doubt that a scare like this makes you more aware of how common this is and how careful you have to be! I am so happy that Jay makes sure to get his physicals, blood work and check up on medical things so that things like this do go unnoticed and untreated. Thank goodness for routine medical maintenance....and we will say our prayers that this will be taken care of in the least invasive and most effective way soon!