September 11, 2011

254/365: day of remembrance

Ten years have passed since we felt this horrific jolt in history...I remember vividly where I was on the Ithaca College campus when I saw that first plane hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center and thinking over and over to myself that it appeared to be a tragic and awful "accident" and then the second plane crashed into the South heart came up to my throat and we all knew from that moment that things can go terribly wrong in our world and this was a living nightmare! It was a very tough day today recalling the day's events and hearing the names of nearly 3,000 innocent victims and their families...our lives and the country will never be the same. I recall traveling when Sam was 15 months old and the airline security insisted I remove his shoes to ensure nothing dangerous was hidden on his body. I began to cry at the thought that someone could and would do this and the fact that Sam and all of us now live in fear. Each year on this day and each day in between I think about the brave men and women that fight for our freedom to live in this wonderful country and I am so grateful. After watching and hearing the stories of many people caring for one another and helping to survive that dark day and the ten years following, it is clear that September 11, 2001, taught us that we as Americans must find comfort in our capacity for love and to understand one another. Thank goodness for this day of remembrance