September 13, 2011

256/365: tolerating water on our head

Sam has many little "shticks" that keep us on our toes...he prefers to be "line leader" and walk first down the stairs, you can't give him a straw before he picks out his smoothie in the morning, you must pause a DVD before shutting it off entirely, the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on...ha ha! Anyway, on that laundry list is when Sam gets his face or specifically his eyes wet in the bath, he likes a towel right away to wipe his eyes. Well tonight he surprised us with wanting to wash the shampoo out of his head all by himself! We take careful precaution to tip his head back and barely get a drop below his forehead which is why this picture is such a hoot! He made a little "visor" in attempt to block the water, but as it came pouring down, he laughed and loved it and did it over and over again! What a perfect precursor to our imminent swim lessons! Thank goodness for tolerating water on our head