April 18, 2011

108/365: health and happiness for Passover

Today we joined Sam at school for his mock seder. He was a big helper chopping apples for the charoset and just like his mommy, he likes white of the hardboiled eggs...and if not "white" enough, he won't eat it which is certainly familiar! When he was dropped off at school, he asked if Max was coming to the mock seder and when he was told that that he would see him for tomorrow's seder, Sam's response, "But I paid for him to come!" He is TOO funny! When enjoyed a quiet little seder just our family of four tonight. We reviewed the seder symbols with Sam's handmade seder plate, he practiced his part for tomorrow night's big family seder and then he sang the frog plague song. Thank goodness for being happy and healthy to reach this special spring holiday