April 5, 2011

95/365: managing your "number"

Every morning that scale sits in the bathroom in the same spot, but this morning Sam was in our bathroom first thing when I came in and he says, "Mommy, want to know your number? Step on!" Ah, the innocence! Little does he know that when you are a woman who always struggled in this department and had a baby five months ago to boot...you really don't want to know your "number." The truth is I know it and have been obsessing about it but really need to stay focused...kick up the exercise whenever I am able, write down everything I eat, which is what I did when I was successful in the past and try not to get discouraged along the way toward my goal. I have done this before and I can and will do it again. When I do, maybe I will even blog me on the scale with my "number" :) Until then, thank goodness for the ability to make changes to manage my "number"