April 29, 2011

119/365: potential

From the beginning , we loved the "bones" of the house but kept repeating that it has "great potential" because it was in need of some TLC. The landscaper came today so we could take care of some things around the house...take out dead things, plant some flowers to add color leading to the front door and assess the backyard. We know that it is time for a new fence but it is hard to do this in isolation. Grass seed needs to be planted when the ground is leveled a bit, broken stones need repair, the deck needs replacing and all in all, the yard needs a bit of an overhaul for it to really be a wonderfully, utilized space. This is true of various parts of the house, but this is a spot where we could really entertain and enjoy in the summer months so we have our homework cut out to look into restrictions regarding the pond and gathering estimates for the work that needs to be done. It seems like yet another big project with the house so instead of "thank goodness for looking into spending a lot of money"...I will say, thank goodness for potential