April 27, 2011

117/365: Camden Aquarium

Today we took the boys for the first time to the Camden Aquarium. It was a bit of a tricky day...lots of school groups made it a bit of a challenge to access the tanks and exhibits and I was playing a lot with camera settings to get the best shots. It is not easy with the reflection of the glass tanks, use or non-use of a flash and adjusting the ISO to let in the most light whenever possible...whew! This was one of the first shots of the day of the sharks where you can actually reach in and touch them! The real "thank goodness" for this blog post should be that Sam was afraid to reach in :) It was fun to see the Hippo named Button, see jellyfish, penguins, seals and we even "found" Nemo! Thank goodness for the Camden Aquarium.