March 18, 2011

77/365: New photo opportunities

Today the weather hit a record high of 71 degrees! Spring is just around the corner! After I picked Sam up from school, we made a stop at the playground to soak in the beautiful weather since we will be back in the 50's for a few more weeks ahead. Instead of going to the same parks we usually do, we stopped by the Longport playground which has the beach dunes as a beautiful backdrop. Sam was a trooper as I made him walked back and forth a million times so I could play with settings and try to take some pictures. I still want to try to figure out how to make my images a bit crisper and lighten up certain areas like around Sam's eyes without cheating with a Photoshop-type program. And not sure why it looks so cloudy? I am thinking another camera class will be in my future, but this time focusing more on technique as opposed to just camera settings. Thank goodness for exploring new photo opportunities