March 13, 2011

72/365: The Perfect Grandmother

My Mom-Mom Leah passed away January 2009 and the unveiling to reveal her grave marker was this afternoon. Ironically, Sam was gathering stones and pebbles on the playground so I saved them for him to give out at the cemetary for each family member to place on the stone. This is a picture of Mom-Mom and me, probably somewhere around 1983. I loved putting little knick knacks in her empty sucrets container. My Mom-Mom was the subject of many papers and assignments at school, the reason I minored in gerontology in college and overall, a huge part of every aspect of my life. There is now a little piece of her in Luke, as he was named in memory of her. My Mom-Mom Leah will always hold a special place in my heart. I thank my lucky stars for the years I did have with her and the memories I have forever as a result. Thank goodness for my most perfect and special grandmother