May 4, 2011

124/365: American troops

I feel like this blog, aside for being a place to document Sam & Lukes' escapades through the year, it is also a place to document thoughts and feelings about current events. It will be fun to look back years from now and like a time capsule, see what was happening in the world, how much gas cost, or what singer or style is the latest craze. So a few days ago, Osama Bin Laden, was finally found and killed. I am sure the boys will read in their history books about his horrific plan to take down the NYC world trade center buildings that he successfully executed in 2001. The world has not been the same since September 2001. I remember our first flight with Sam when he was 13 months old and the airline security asked me to remove his little shoes and tears started to fill my eyes at the thought that children will never know what it was like to just get on a plane. We live in fear. That event was our generation's JFK assination, in that we all remember where we were on this nightmare of a day. Ever since that day, I tear up whenever I hear our national anthem and we all continue to hope and pray that our troops return home safely to their families. Thank goodness for the US troops