May 8, 2011

128/365: motherhood

I was already the luckiest girl to have the best mother and then became luckier to become a mother to my beautiful boys! Today was a beautiful day on the Ocean City boardwalk filled with happy families enjoying one another so we fit right in! The day started out with a few tantrums and ended a bit the same...I actually said at dinner that Mother's Day dinner would be a lot more relaxed without kids...ha! I am certainly looking forward to the day when the boys make me breakfast and I can really be queen for a day, but until then, I will enjoy the little moments, even the cranky, stressful ones because nothing means more to me than soaking up these precious years! Oprah Winfrey said, "biology is the least of what makes someone a mother" and my mother has proven that. I hope to be able to do the same for Sam and Luke. Thank goodness for motherhood