May 9, 2011

129/365: Stage 1 foods

This morning was Luke's 6 month check-up and developmentally, he is right on point...rolling, babbling, grabbing his feet, moving toys from one hand to the other and he giggles & smiles perfectly! But there is continued concern about his weight gain; he is only in the 10% for his weight and even though I have introduced cereal and bananas, Dr. Chang suggests moving on to all stage one foods including proteins, fruits, veggies and as long as he is eating and not turning away, I could even give him two jars in a feeding! So tricky...first, I had Sam who would have taken a 12 ounce bottle if I made it for him and he just about ate the color off his bowls at this age. Luke, on the other hand, is less interested in food and bottles. He mainly cries when he is tired, not hungry, so I am really going to have to push it a bit more. Right after the doctor's appointment, I went to the market and stocked up on all varieties. We have one month before a weight check so hopefully he will start packing on the pounds, then I can say, thank goodness for stage one foods