May 15, 2011

135/365: fun apps

Until recently, I didn't even know what an "app," short for application, was and now it is so much a part of American dialect that I would imagine, it will soon find its place in Webster's dictionary. The next generation is going to grow up in a very fast-paced cyber world and Sam is certainly showing that he will be able to keep up! He has already expressed an interest in teaching Luke how to work the I-pod, DVR and On-Demand features. He requests "skyping" with family members, loves computer games and can work the remote control better than all of us! His interest in technology is both a blessing and a curse...we try hard to limit his time and avoid meltdowns when it's time to move onto something else. As they say, "there is an app for everything" so Sam was excited when Daddy found an "app" for Super Whyy, one of Sam's favorite shows lately. In this photo, I played with the metering setting to capture the light from the Ipad hitting his face. It is amazing how you can master techniques when your subject is in a trance :) Thank goodness for fun apps