August 31, 2011

243/365: teachers

Every time I walk along the bike path with Luke in the stroller, I read each and every plack on the benches along the way. Each one is has a nice little sentiment about a parent, grandparent, mother, wife, father, uncle, but this bench is located right by Seaview Elementary School and I just loved what it said and how true it is! Mimi and I were on this particular walk and it caught both of our eyes! And how appropriate as we head into a new academic year...Luke is starting at the JCC 3 days a week and I just love his two warm and loving teachers. And just like this special teacher's dedication, I too will always have a special place for the kind and loving people that cared for Sam & Luke and nurtur them and guide them as they grow. Thank goodness for teachers

August 30, 2011

242/365: our future X-gamer

Today we took a family walk/ride on the bike path...we pushed Luke in the stroller and Sam rode his new bike. Our goal was to ride to the library for practice and ride back, but we were barely off of our street when Sam said he was thirsty and wanted a drink! We thought for sure that Jay or I would be riding that bicycle back or Sam would need a piggy back ride or somehow the family exercise would not end well, but wow were we mistaken! Sam did awesome!! He pedaled so fast and so well that I logged 16,000 steps on my pedometer just jogging along side of him! He stopped for traffic and waved to thank drivers. He has such a feeling of accomplishment when we made it there, snagged a few books and movies and then pedaled to the playground and eventually home! I can't wait to see what he can do once those training wheels come off...thank goodness for our future X-gamer

August 29, 2011

241/365: little helper

Day two of Hurricane clean-up...thank goodness for the little helper

August 28, 2011

240/365: helpful friends

Between Chrissy and Phil welcoming Jay to crash at their house through the storm and then Dean coming by to help fix what the hurricane destroyed, thank goodness for helpful friends

August 27, 2011

239/365: Pop's mashed potatoes

Everyone piled in Mimi & Pop's house to brave the storm was fun enough, but a superb home-cooked meal was icing on the cake! Yummy chicken, string beans, a great salad with sourdough bread and Pop's famously fabulous mashed potatoes...there is nothing better! Mashing the whole potato with the skin adds great texture and the perfect blend of milk and butter makes them the best! Thank goodness for Pop's mashed potatoes

August 26, 2011

238/365: braving the storm with those we love...

Hurricane Irene is on her way and after following the news broadcasts these last few days, it seemed best to pack up the boys and head to Mimi & Pop's house. It was shaping up to be a pretty big storm that we were bracing for in our area, but then it quickly turned into a mandatory evacuation of our area which scared us enough to get out! It was a fun escape! Sam loved sleeping with me in Elizabeth's old room and Luke had NO problems sleeping, napping, eating, especially pooping...he felt right at home!! There were strong winds and rain and a brief power outage, otherwise, it was loads of fun with all my favorite people...except Jay who stayed back with Chrissy and Phil in order to be local for work. Sam was certainly sad when the state of emergency was lifted and we were able to pack up and head home. Thank goodness for braving the storm with those we love

August 25, 2011

237/365: mosaic fun

The cousins fun continued today with a little family lunch followed but hitting up the pottery store for Lola to paint pottery and Max & Sam to make mosaic picture frames to match their rooms...everyone had fun and it will be a blast all over again when we go back to pick up our creations after they put it in the kiln and finish up the grout. Thank goodness for mosaic fun

August 24, 2011

236/365: the pack 'n' play

The pack 'n' play has been such a godsend even more with Luke than it was with Sam. We love knowing the with just a few toys in there, Luke is safe to play and crawl and move about, even when Sam is around. Sam loves to hang outside and talk and play with Luke but we know they are both safe, which is great! The best is when Luke presses his little nose and face on the mesh funny! Thank goodness for the pack 'n' play

August 23, 2011

235/365: hydrangeas

Today we invited the Scarpa family over for a BBQ and visit...Sam had a ball with Diane, Lori loved entertaining Luke and all-in-all it was a great visit with a great family...and they brought me these beautiful hydrangeas as a hostess gift. They looked beautiful in my pretty vase and certainly a pleasant surprise! Thank goodness for hydrangeas

August 22, 2011

234/365: quick visits to the beach

The Arteaga clan spends the last week in August at the beach for vacation so it is a great time to get a few little cousins together before it is back to work and back to school for all! Before picking up Sam from camp, Luke and I stopped by to visit with Max and Lola chasing seagulls and "selling" seashells....and loving on Luke, of course! Thank goodness for quick visits to the beach

August 21, 2011

233/365: brunettes

Sam had Rebecca's princess party to go to today at Pump It Up, a bouncy, gym-type place full of moon bounce equipment in Marlton. On a side note, I survived a very hectic party with both boys by myself...I was so proud and felt like I could conquer anything, that I came home and quickly got a workout in before the impending storm and ran farther than I have to date!! Anyway, at the party, the kids got to choose between Cinderella or Belle cake pops and each little lady had a definite favorite and then the girl came over to Sam who just looked and didn't have an immediate response. Until I whispered in his ear, "blond or brunette" to which is quickly snatched up Belle...maybe Sam prefers a lady that can keep her shoes on! Thank goodness for brunettes

August 20, 2011

232/365: "I'll have what he's having!"

I love when candid pictures really capture a feeling or personality! Tonight we met Matthew for ice cream at The Custard Hut and it is interesting to see how their friendship and relationship has changed over the years...starting as babies and now they are really growing into themselves. Monica asked us to get together during the day to go to the playground and when I gave Sam the choice between doing that or going in the pool, he opted to "go in the pool with Luke" to which Jay quickly said, "that is some Stearns DNA coming out...choosing to spend time with family over friends."  Ha Ha! So we decided to meet for ice cream later after dinner and whatever Sam picked was what Matthew wanted, too. If Sam said one thing, Matthew said the same even as Sam continued to change his mind before finally settling on the ever-popular, ChipWich! Sam is quite the leader & as challenging as that can be for us, I think it is great that no one can sway his decision...he wants what he wants! Thank goodness for "I'll have what he's having"

August 19, 2011

231/365: Camp by the Sea

Today was the last day of camp for Sam...he was sad all the way home! He had a great eight weeks and mommy survived "trip days" on the bus to the water park, bowling alley, beach etc, without too many texts to the counselor to check on Sam! At pick-up today, another mom told me that her son said that Sam was a "good friend" when others said his lunchbox was babyish, Sam assured the others that it was not! Sam is a sweet and strong and an adorable camper of bunk S-9! He planned his own playdates with the girls in the bunk and he loved "picuter" time and special event days with bouncy houses and carnival games. He is progressing during instructional swim and now easily jumps in and is beginning to get his face wet with less of a fight. Tonight he slept with the camp poem packet and group bunk picture! Until next summer...Thank goodness for Camp by the Sea

August 18, 2011

230/365: mastering the back float

I observed Sam's instructional swim today and what progress he has made! He goes out with the instructors and kicks his feet, blows bubbles, jumps in and just perfected the back float! It is so cute to see the stiffness in his face...he was trying so hard and his little hand gripping the instructor's finger! It takes a lot but he will get his whole head wet. Thinking we will capitalize on his advances this summer and take up swim lessons through the fall and winter. Thank goodness for mastering the back float

August 17, 2011

229/365: punch buggys

It isn't typical that you see an old fashioned Volkswagen beetle...I remember playing "punch buggy red!" whenever you saw a bug on the road! Thank goodness for punch buggys

August 16, 2011

228/365: random Tuesday night fun

Monica won a free little party boat for 20 people for an hour ride to Brigantine so she organized it to be a little girls night out! After a day of on and off rain and gray skies, it shaped up to be a beautiful night! We had a ball on the boat and hung out for a bit at the marina afterwards. Thank goodness for random Tuesday night fun

August 15, 2011

227/365: being tough

Today was Luke's first day at the JCC and it was a very hard day for me. Things have changed a bit since Sam was in the infant room...the teachers have since retired or have different assignments and I feel differently, too. As difficult as it was to leave Sam for the first time, I think I welcomed a little break. The first baby really turns your life upside-down and I was just returning to work 2 days/week. This time around, it may be the last time around and I don't feel like I need that "break"...Luke is a very good baby and we have enjoyed our little routine these last 10 months. But I am contracted for 3 days back at school so we are going to try to make a go of this, but what a start! It was certainly harder for me than 1:00 pm after spending all morning in and out of his room, I packed him up and headed out with a headache from tears and loads of emotions. Luckily, Sam's teachers and aides through the years have taken us under their wing and embraced Sam and now, Luke. They ensure that they will go in and check up on our sweet little guy in the baby room and I continuously express that it means more to me than they could ever imagine! I hope tomorrow is easier and each day following...thank goodness for (my best attempt) at being tough

August 14, 2011

226/365: practice

While Luke napped & Daddy was at work, we brought the monitor outside and got a little practice in on our new bike! It started out complaints about the helmet, eager to hop on the seat, no problem peddling. Sam did great pushing up the street and steering like a champ and then we went back down the cul de was a bit downhill and Sam's speed picked up and just then he pulled his feet up off the pedals and fell over! No scraps or injuries, but instantly he announces, "I'm done! I want to go inside and watch Curious George!" Looks like he is following in someone's pedals, I mean footsteps! Hopefully more mini practice sessions and Sam will get the hang of it and become more interested in cycling. Thank goodness for practice

August 13, 2011

225/365: Smithville, NJ

Today we took the boys to Smithville just to walk around and enjoy the weather. It was a rough start to the afternoon...we arrived just at the time when they were doing a Civil War reenactment and even though I gave Sam a warning that there were going to be gunshots, he flipped out! To make matters worse, they would reload and fire again...and again...and again...ugh!!! Sam covered his ears, screaming that he wanted to go home! Once that concluded and we settled down, Sam loved steering the motor boats in the water and asked when we could return with Max and Lola. The train ride was fun too, especially when the conductor asked Sam to holler, "All Aboard!" Thank goodness for Smithville, NJ

August 10, 2011

222/365: a summer performance

Each camp bunk represented an area of the camp and Sam's group did Art & Crafts so their Rainbow song debuted with cute tie-dyed camp shirts...thank goodness for a summer performance

August 9, 2011

221/365: playroom fun

Today we kept Sam home from camp since he has a bit of a stomach bug, but it isn't easy to entertain a little firecracker at home for 8 hours! I try to not have him watch a million DVDs and shows so we spent some time in the playroom at cracked open a new container of that! There is nothing like a fresh box of crayons to make anyone smile! So I just played around with camera settings and taking a fun photo...better this than bathroom photo of Sam :( Thank goodness for playroom fun

August 8, 2011

220/365: a new big boy bike

Mimi & Pop got Sam his first big boy bike for his birthday so today we went and picked it out...what an experience! Sam wanted to hop on every bike and ride around the store and trying to make adjustments was tough as Sam was constantly moving...we were in and out of the store so quickly, but Sam was very excited that his bike is red and he has a cool matching helmet! Unfortunately, a little stomach bug attacked and the bike rides will have to wait until Sam's stomach gets better! Thank goodness for a new big boy bike

August 7, 2011

219/365: visiting with family

Aunt Rachel and Uncle Carl came by today to drop by a gift for the birthday boy and to visit for a little bit. It is so nice how they embrace Sam & Luke and love watching them grow! They both get on the floor and play with Sam and equally love to snuggle sweet, little Luke. It is always nice when they stop by. Thank goodness for visiting with family

August 6, 2011

218/365: 4-yr-old Sam-I-Am (& his Seuss-y sidekick)

Four years ago at 5:04 p.m. in the middle of an extreme heat wave, our sweet Sam-I-Am was born! I can still close my eyes and replay each moment in my head from my water breaking to contractions getting closer and finally my doctor asking me for my boy & girl names so when baby was born, the doctor announced, "It's a SAM!!" I will never forget those first hours, days, months with our sweet baby boy and with each moment since, we are blessed to have such a sweet, smart and special little guy in our life! Today was Sam's Green Eggs & Ham shindig at Denny's complete with a loony juggler, actual green eggs and a masterpiece cake! Sam had such a great day celebrating, Dr. Seuss style and nothing makes us happier than seeing those handsome dimples! Thank goodness for our 4 year old Sam-I-Am (and his Seuss-y sidekick!

August 5, 2011

217/365: "sweet" timeless traditions

It is amazing how certain things withstand the test of time...we may live in a time where children's vocabulary includes "Netflix, I-Pad, e-mail and On-Demand," and it is hard to find a vehicle without a DVD player or a kid's toy without buttons or batteries, but certain little kid traditions still remain in 2011 and this is one of them! Sam was SUPER excited to bring munchkins to his camp buddies to celebrate his birthday at camp. Watching him beaming brought me back to that little-kid excitement of it being your special day and being "in charge" of a special snack. Sam loved holding those cardboard handles and letting the adults snag a morning treat and he announced to each friend as they arrived to camp, "I have a special snack for my birthday today!" What a great way to begin his birthday festivities! Thank goodness for "sweet" timeless traditions

August 4, 2011

216/365: breaking through

I am so thrilled that my daily walks with Luke are beginning to payoff! Last week I lost 2.5 pounds and this week I lost another pound! I have been walking 2-3 miles EVERY day with Luke and by just adding this exercise in, I am feeling changes and seeing a loss on the scale! I move fast, listen to tunes, Luke loves the fresh air, I pass friendly faces of all ages, we pass beautiful surroundings and I feel good physically and mentally! Hopefully I can keep plugging away right back into my old clothes! Thank goodness for finally breaking through

August 3, 2011

215/365: adorable Green Eggs & Ham recipe

I was so excited when I came across this recipe on the internet because I knew it would be perfect for Sam's themed party this year...Green Eggs & Ham for our sweet Sam-I-Am! It was a cinch to make...just two pretzel sticks with a white chocolate candy piece balanced on top...pop in a 350 degree oven for 3 minutes, press on a green M & M and...VIOLA! A cute green eggs and bacon, I mean ham :) treat! Sam loved how fun these looked and they will be a perfect snack when guests arrive to the party on Saturday! We may need to whip this out again when it is Dr. Seuss's birthday in March! Thank goodness for an adorable Green Eggs and Ham recipe

August 2, 2011

214/365: sweet 9 months

It has been 9 months with our sweet & special Luke-a-doo! Sam loves bath time with his little bro and he loves seeing what foods he is eating every day. Mommy has been loving these days of just Luke and I...going for walks and enjoying every minute of this precious 1st year. Daddy thinking two boys are the best...wrestling with Sam and tackling Luke with kisses! What a joy it has been...thank goodness for a sweet 9 months

August 1, 2011

213/365: baby claps

A new milestone...claps! He is so deliberate when he claps, watches his hands come together, looks at one hand and then the other, sometimes he misses his hands...I LOVE new baby claps. Thank goodness for baby claps