August 20, 2011

232/365: "I'll have what he's having!"

I love when candid pictures really capture a feeling or personality! Tonight we met Matthew for ice cream at The Custard Hut and it is interesting to see how their friendship and relationship has changed over the years...starting as babies and now they are really growing into themselves. Monica asked us to get together during the day to go to the playground and when I gave Sam the choice between doing that or going in the pool, he opted to "go in the pool with Luke" to which Jay quickly said, "that is some Stearns DNA coming out...choosing to spend time with family over friends."  Ha Ha! So we decided to meet for ice cream later after dinner and whatever Sam picked was what Matthew wanted, too. If Sam said one thing, Matthew said the same even as Sam continued to change his mind before finally settling on the ever-popular, ChipWich! Sam is quite the leader & as challenging as that can be for us, I think it is great that no one can sway his decision...he wants what he wants! Thank goodness for "I'll have what he's having"