August 30, 2011

242/365: our future X-gamer

Today we took a family walk/ride on the bike path...we pushed Luke in the stroller and Sam rode his new bike. Our goal was to ride to the library for practice and ride back, but we were barely off of our street when Sam said he was thirsty and wanted a drink! We thought for sure that Jay or I would be riding that bicycle back or Sam would need a piggy back ride or somehow the family exercise would not end well, but wow were we mistaken! Sam did awesome!! He pedaled so fast and so well that I logged 16,000 steps on my pedometer just jogging along side of him! He stopped for traffic and waved to thank drivers. He has such a feeling of accomplishment when we made it there, snagged a few books and movies and then pedaled to the playground and eventually home! I can't wait to see what he can do once those training wheels come off...thank goodness for our future X-gamer