August 5, 2011

217/365: "sweet" timeless traditions

It is amazing how certain things withstand the test of time...we may live in a time where children's vocabulary includes "Netflix, I-Pad, e-mail and On-Demand," and it is hard to find a vehicle without a DVD player or a kid's toy without buttons or batteries, but certain little kid traditions still remain in 2011 and this is one of them! Sam was SUPER excited to bring munchkins to his camp buddies to celebrate his birthday at camp. Watching him beaming brought me back to that little-kid excitement of it being your special day and being "in charge" of a special snack. Sam loved holding those cardboard handles and letting the adults snag a morning treat and he announced to each friend as they arrived to camp, "I have a special snack for my birthday today!" What a great way to begin his birthday festivities! Thank goodness for "sweet" timeless traditions