August 26, 2011

238/365: braving the storm with those we love...

Hurricane Irene is on her way and after following the news broadcasts these last few days, it seemed best to pack up the boys and head to Mimi & Pop's house. It was shaping up to be a pretty big storm that we were bracing for in our area, but then it quickly turned into a mandatory evacuation of our area which scared us enough to get out! It was a fun escape! Sam loved sleeping with me in Elizabeth's old room and Luke had NO problems sleeping, napping, eating, especially pooping...he felt right at home!! There were strong winds and rain and a brief power outage, otherwise, it was loads of fun with all my favorite people...except Jay who stayed back with Chrissy and Phil in order to be local for work. Sam was certainly sad when the state of emergency was lifted and we were able to pack up and head home. Thank goodness for braving the storm with those we love