August 15, 2011

227/365: being tough

Today was Luke's first day at the JCC and it was a very hard day for me. Things have changed a bit since Sam was in the infant room...the teachers have since retired or have different assignments and I feel differently, too. As difficult as it was to leave Sam for the first time, I think I welcomed a little break. The first baby really turns your life upside-down and I was just returning to work 2 days/week. This time around, it may be the last time around and I don't feel like I need that "break"...Luke is a very good baby and we have enjoyed our little routine these last 10 months. But I am contracted for 3 days back at school so we are going to try to make a go of this, but what a start! It was certainly harder for me than 1:00 pm after spending all morning in and out of his room, I packed him up and headed out with a headache from tears and loads of emotions. Luckily, Sam's teachers and aides through the years have taken us under their wing and embraced Sam and now, Luke. They ensure that they will go in and check up on our sweet little guy in the baby room and I continuously express that it means more to me than they could ever imagine! I hope tomorrow is easier and each day following...thank goodness for (my best attempt) at being tough